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Getting YOURSELF ready for your kid’s exams

Getting YOURSELF ready for your kid’s exams
Helping your child prepare for exams is often a family exercise. You curtail your outings to be around for the child - Emotionally and  literally. Younger siblings are hushed into quieter activities. Entertaining at home comes to a stand still to avoid all distractions. You stop going for movies in solidarity towards your child.

Find Your Sweet Peas

Find Your Sweet Peas
 Seet peas are my favourite flower.  Probably because I have memories of them from my childhood. I remember my mother mentioning they were my grand...

Pick Up Your Socks

Pick Up Your Socks
There is nothing metaphorical about the title. It quite literally is what it says – pick up your socks! My house is littered with socks strewn abou...

What I learnt from sending my kids to School Camps

What I learnt from sending my kids to School Camps
It’s finally here- camp week at school. From the time the email announcing the venue and details arrived from school, there has been a non-stop vol...

Starting Out

Starting Out
Writing was my first choice of career as I studied journalism. I had grand dreams of being a fiery reporter as I excitedly took on my first job, fr...